~ Charles Bukowski
Once upon a time…
Just four years ago, I was working full time as a Fashion Buyer buying Luxury brands, and had dedicated my life to working in the Fashion industry and delivering the best image, work and results I possibly could. I was proud of my career and worked endlessly - really long days, weekends, and even on my holidays. I was ambitious, always networking, travelled the world and I took any opportunity to increase my responsibility and applied for every promotion that arose. From the outside it was glamorous, it was glamorous on the inside at times too. I got to travel to so many countries, stayed at the best hotels, ate at incredible restaurants, visited some of the most beautiful buildings in incredible cities and the social interaction was constant.
But at What Cost?
But then something happened.. 11 years into my career, I started getting the nagging sensation that beneath the surface, I was feeling unfulfilled, tired and frankly empty. It was then I asked myself, is this really what I want?
Over the years, the need to work endlessly to keep on top of work whilst also trying to impress, whilst simultaneously hiding my utter exhaustion and despair behind closed doors, meant that I had to develop various strategies to be resilient to carry on. These strategies and coping mechanisms that I became so proficient at did in fact serve me for a moment in time. I continued to be rewarded for this through better career opportunities, promotions and more pay. But you see that’s where it becomes a trap - because this way of being and working has a shelf life when it comes to your health and wellbeing.
The reality is, beneath it all I was actually a sensitive soul who learned to hide behind a tough “go-getter” mask, but I learned to hide it really well, even to myself…
Everything Always Catches up with you, Eventually…
Everything was kind of okay, until it wasn’t. After over a decade of working this way, my physical, mental and emotional health started to deteriorate. My emotions became more volatile, I would go to a yoga practice and cry a lot and not really understanding at the time where it was coming from. I started getting very frequent colds or was always on the verge of one, I then received more serious signs such as flu, tonsillitis and infected mouth ulcers. I was suffering from insomnia and waking up suddenly at 3 or 4am feeling anxious about my workload and would often just end up getting up to complete the work that I felt anxious about. I started to wake up daily feeling permanently exhausted and wondered - is this all there is? And what exactly am I working towards? What do I want? And at the time I didn’t have the answers to any of it.
The Big Transition
I threw myself into a daily yoga practice as a means to escape. 80% of the time I was too tired to practice, but I forced myself to go to class, it was the only respite that I managed to get from the reality that I’d spent so long building. After a couple of years of juggling endless work and travel with 5-6 yoga practices a week, a lot of reflection and truth facing, a lot of conversations with my trusted circle, several breakdowns, 3 Yoga retreats, a 200 hour part time yoga teacher training later, I finally plucked up the courage to quit my full time job.
It was also sadly the time to end an 11 year relationship I was in at the time, and let me tell you that my whole world came crashing down all at once. I was lost, confused, grief stricken and simultaneously approaching my mid 30’s. I felt terrified of what the future may hold but my heart’s calling could no longer ignore the cries that something was just not right.
I decided to save some money, take a leap of faith and not allow my life to be driven by fear, but instead from a place of abundance and love. I wanted to search for a wild love I yearned for, a love for my interests and a love for finding people and work that aligned with my values and strengths. I knew in my heart that I wanted something more aligned with my Soul’s calling than constantly travelling, picking clothes and crunching numbers. I wanted to wake up feeling energised and not feeling the need to rush through my days, I wanted to feel a deeper connection with the people I came into contact with and finding joy in the simple things rather than extravagance.
So here I am…
No longer a Fashion Buyer, but a Yoga Teacher. I am still in love with creativity and beautiful things, but they revolve more around beautiful people, beautiful movement, beautiful rest and how to live a beautiful life behind closed doors with what you already have. Hopefully when you practice with me, I can offer you some insights and wisdom from experience, that building your life and calling around your true Soul’s values and purpose, and living your version of a beautiful life from a place of simplicity and self care is also possible for you too.
Does this resonate?
If you’ve read this far, I am guessing my story somehow resonates with you. I am also guessing that you are also a high achiever and you are too hard on yourself and you’re feeling pretty tired by all of it. The first step is to create some space and time to come back to yourself to listen to your Soul’s honest whispers. You are more than just your job or your work. Your Human soul is valued far more than simply your productivity, and you will be able to guide your life back to balance and alignment.
But first start with where you are, you don’t need to have it all figured out. Moving from this confusing place takes time, consideration and a lot of soul searching, first you need to come back to ultimate self care. Sign up to my mailing list and I will send you my free guide which will give you 5 achievable steps to re-connecting with your Soul’s purpose, plus some other bonus material in the weeks to follow that may help you with your upcoming contemplation whilst you are on this journey ;)